Enthusiast investigation: the next GT500 may be AWD and V6 ecoBoost powered

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Joe Charles, a true-blooded gear-head, received his 2016 Shelby GT350 and… put it to peaces to investigate his car deeper. He’d been joined by his friend, Jeff Foster, who is still waiting for his GT350R (R!) to be delivered. And the interesting thing is that they found that GT350 front suspension uses splined hubs which is very common for an all-whel-drive cars.
Since Ford doesn’t use part for nothing, this has to tell something very important. These friends did a few calls and investigated that this splined hub is unique to Mustang. It must mean something searious. Like the next GT500 may be AWD and use the Ford GT’s 3.5 ecoBoost V6. With tein-turbos it could easily upgrade 600 horses up to 800.

Oh, Lordy, the future is so interesting.